jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Follow The Red Brick Road

 Follow the red brick road winding down from Aguila Playa to San Agustin. In places they have even put ramps making it easy for those with wheels.

What a view, San Agustin beach in the foreground and the golden peak of Playa del Inglés beach at the back. San Agustin cannot boast the golden sands of Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés but it does have a natural charm. The Volcanic sand and rock pools make this beach, unique and unspoilt.  
The path that runs behind the beach is shaded with palm trees. 
 I started off on my walk fairly early for a Sunday and most people were still at home sipping their morning coffee. It was one of those days when the weather likes to tease. One minute cloudy and overcast and the next sunny and bright.

The many rocks on the beach add to it's natural charm.

The early bird catches the worm, or in this case a fisherman or two trying their luck.

The rock formations are impressive and support wild life such as crabs and birds looking for a tasty morsel.

This lovely walkway leads all the way to Playa del Inglés. Someone has obviously already had their coffee and now out enjoying the scene.

The rocks have a variety of colours.

This beautiful sculpture is situated right on San Agustin beach and makes a stunning contrast.
Well I think it is time to turn round and head back to the red brick road. I have a steep hill to walk up on the way back so I need to conserve my energy. I will leave the walk into Playa del inglés for another day.